Get your child moving and functionally active with our MuayThai Dragons program. The explosive nature and training style of this program is an excellent way to help your child develop hand-to-eye coordination, awareness, balance and general coordination as well as the skill set for the ring or the confidence to defend themselves from a possible aggressor.

See your child learn and grow in a positive, disciplined and encouraging atmosphere. Classes have simple structures and gradually become more challenging as your child progresses in the program.

Our aim is to build a strong foundation and self-confidence that can easily be applied in other aspects of your child’s life, such as academics, sports, arts and social settings.

Cycle 1 - TBA

Cycle 2 - (April - July: 14 Weeks)
Re-Introductory Price
1 Class Per Week - $285
2 Classes Per Week - $525

Cycle 3 - TBA

Daniel Gilkes